Fields of activities
Mining equipment See photo album
Here is a partial equipment list we fabricated for the mining industry:
- trunnion liner,
- crusher excentrique,
- countershaft assy,
- bottom cylinder hydraulics assy,
- bearing bases assy pour ball et sag mill,
- soleplates,
- sandwheel,
- trommel assy.
Pulp and paper equipment See photo album
Here is a partial equipment list we fabricated for the Pulp and paper industry:
- Compression cone,
- Rotor, stator, flat zone (refurbish),
- Cyclone,
- Refining chamber,
- Trommels,
- Pressure screen.
Hydro-electric equipment See photo album
Here is a partial equipment list we fabricated for the Hydro-electric power industry:
- Mini turbines,
- Wicked gate,
- Draft tube liner,
- Deflector cone,
- Gate mechanism ass'y,
- Intake elbow.
Forestry equipment See photo album
Here is a partial equipment list we fabricated
for the Forestry industry:
- Pivot support and fans,
- Mobile and fixed frames of specialized machinery,
- Conveyors,
- Chargers and ball turners.
Aerospace fixture See photo album
Here is a partial equipment list we fabricated
for the Aerospace industry:
- Inspection fixture of aircraft parts,
- lifting structure, handling and assembly of aircraft engines.
General machining See photo album
Here is a partial equipment list we fabricated
for General machining:
- Ball bearing,
- Valves,
- Rollers,
- Tubesheets, channel and head for high-pressure tanks,
- Eccentric gear,
- Distributors,
- Transfer Chamber.
